Living in tropical country where there is only 2 season (dry or wet but all year sunny), initially I did not give much care on winter patterns and yarns. I only knit those for people I knew has 4 seasons.
How about for myself? From all patterns available I thought what's relevant for me are baby stuffs, lace shawl, fingerless glove, bags, tops, skirts & shorts (Yippe, I found pattern from KnitPicks after much searching & help from Knitters' Review community).
Well, today I went to church, and of all the places that I could sit, I had to be seated at the most dreadful place.. Right underneath the (cold) air outlet!
Well, you see, we rented Expo hall 7 and 8 for our services (there are 2 per week unless some special occasion) and I guess due to the nature of the place (for conferences and exhibition) gets the organizer to invest in an *excellent* aircon system.
During P&W (Praise & Worship) it was okay. Barely 10 minutes after you sit down and hear sermon, you start feeling the cold air blowing at you. I took out my shawl that a kind friend bought for me from Nepal. It was very soft to my touch. Sitting next to me were a big guy and his girlfriend (I assume) and another girl wearing lace-knit coat.
Around 2 hours later, both of them look uncomfortable. Me underneath shawl was also uncomfortable. I bet temperature has dropped to 16 degrees, or maybe 14 because we're underneath the aircon.
So the shawl helped blocked the air but my hand still feel cold.. Brrr.. Shiver shiver shiver.
So, man's invention and nature has eventually lead me to knit semi-winter standard of clothings to survive in Church, Office and Public transport (aka bus and some taxi). During December or wet season, if you take bus in Singapore and it happens to rain, you can expect the temp to drop to around 14.
Coming out from church was another issue. As soon as I came out, the full force of the sun hit me. First few minutes was just 'shiok' as I defrost. Afterwards came the perspiration.
Similarly at home, I am beginning to entertain thought of knitting legwarmer for myself so I won't wake up with frozen feet in the morning (it's daily occurence since I injured my ankle that somehow affected my entire feet) and won't feel so crappy in office coz of the chill.
So, here I am, eating my humble pie and decided I need to learn to knit those winter items after all, coz winter *does* come to tropical country in another (much milder)form.