Friday, June 1, 2007


It was my birthday last month. And I didn't get a knitting related present from DH. Instead, he gave me Nintendo DS in April when I was sick. He came back from overseas (I was sick then) and gave me a bouquet of sunflowers plus my birthday present. The pink Nintendo DS, clear case, strap, and DS games. Not the cheap ones or the accompanying games. He gave me Final Fantasy (that I've been addicted to), Pokemon Blue, some puzzle & Mario Bros.

I also received Knit2gether book from Denise that was wrapped in a very nice book and crocheted flowers. She did a remarkable job with the flowers. I am amazed and I thank God for such a friend.

Now it is another friend's birthday that's coming and I realize I have only few days to give her something. So off last night I designed a wristwarmer pattern for her and proceeded to knit for her. Hope she likes it and hope that it's on time.

Here is what it looks like. I am going to call it Di wristwarmer - naming it after the recipient.

Is it nice?

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